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Sisi Tour

Līdzīga pieredze

Līdzīgas kategorijas

Sisi Tour

No 38,80 €

Join us for a tour to the world's second largest Baroque Palace in Gödöll?, Queen Elisabeth's, known as Sisi, former summer residence. 

Galvenie notikumi

- Visit the second largest Baroque Palace in the world
- Explore the museum and the chateau garden
- Get a insight to the secret life of the royal couple and the palads

Ko sagaidīt?

Visit the second largest world's Baroque Palace in Gödöll?. Just a quick 30-minute drive from Budapest before we arrive to the former summer residence of Queen Elisabeth (Sisi) and Francis Joseph (Habsburg Emperor & Hungarian King 1867-1916).

This interior visit of the palace's museum and the tour through the beautiful chateau garden gives you a glimpse of the time during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. You'll get a rare insight into the secrets behind the hidden doors and rooms. 

By the end there'll be time for optional coffee break (not incl. in the price).

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be send directly to your email, just print it out and bring it on your tour. 

Biļešu kategorijas

Adult 13+
Child 0-12


sv, 5 mai 2024

Tūlītējs apstiprinājums

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Sisi Tour


Palīdzības dienests angļu valodā

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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