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Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Tour

Līdzīga pieredze

Līdzīgas kategorijas

Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Tour

No 34,20 €

Take a beautiful walk across the iconic Brooklyn Bridge, which unites Manhattan with Brooklyn, and explore DUMBO, the cool Brooklyn neighborhood on the other side of the bridge. 

Galvenie notikumi

- Enjoy a 2.5 hour guided tour 
- Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge
- Explore the DUMBO neighborhood 

Ko sagaidīt?

Learn the dramatic story of this world-famous landmark The Brooklyn Bridge while you enjoy the gorgeous views of the Manhattan skyline. Across the bridge, explore the trendy Brooklyn neighborhood DUMBO. DUMBO stands for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. The neighborhood known for its high-end boutiques, delicious desserts and pizza shops, art galleries and scenic waterfront. 

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be send directly to your email, just print it out and bring it on your tour. 

Biļešu kategorijas

Adult 13+
Child 6-12


otr, 7 mai 2024

Tūlītējs apstiprinājums

Print out voucher

Ilgums: 2 stundas 30 minūtes

Izbraukšanas laiki


Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Tour

52 Chambers St New York, NY 10007


Palīdzības dienests angļu valodā

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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