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Ugly Duck

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Velvet Pines

Biļetes uz: Velvet Pines

Velvet Pines

No 208,30 €
Swamp Motel presents Velvet Pines, London's ground-breaking immersive Christmas Party experience.  Offering the finest 3 course mouth-watering menu. Featuring inventive cocktails and full throttle cabaret to create the ultimate festive group party - where it's all about the apres, in a secret warehouse location.  With a blizzard rolling in from the mountains and reports of yetis in the hills, the evening is sure to be filled with surprises...


Velvet Pines

49 Tanner Street London SE1 3PL


Palīdzības dienests angļu valodā

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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